Since making videos is a lot more fun than typing, (I try to keep myself as illiterate as possible) here's another one. This morning's mountain, Wetterhorn Peak, was the most technical one I've done so far and IT WAS AWESOME! Scrambling! Danger! Multi-hundred foot cliffs! Absolutely fantastic. And we saved a good 1000 ft of vertical downclimbing through the magic of glissading, captured for the first time on my state of the art HELMET CAM!
Here's a picture of the verticality of these awesome mountains:

If you have the chance to climb in only one Colorado mountain range, make it the San Juans. (FYI, that picture was taken on Uncompahgre Peak yesterday)
Here's the video from today's climb of Wetterhorn: (warning: I think I drop an F bomb or 2 in the video, so if you don't want to be exposed to profanity, don't play the video.)
You have clearly been shaving and trying to avoid the bum look more than I. BTW, people don't think that I look at all like my facebook picture anymore.
Jake, that's about a week's worth of beard. :-(
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