I tested out my truck camper setup last night. It worked smashingly. For those of you who haven't seen it:
So I sleep on top and store gear underneath. This eliminates the hassle of a tent. The platform is designed using 5 2x4's crossing the width of the truck and resting on the bedrails. They are spaced at no more than 20" centers. Then, assuming an evenly distributed load on the plywood, and treating the plywood as a simple beam, and making a general assumption about the strength of plywood (thank you, mechanics of materials textbook) the platform should be able to withstand 1200 lbs of down force. That means it'll sleep 2 200 lb adults with a safety factor of three.
The platform is made of 4 rectangular panels. The two in the front are smaller, allowing access to the gear there which would otherwise be hard to reach.
what if the 2 200lb adults are moving, or rocking, or bumping, if you will
I can't imagine any activities that would take place in a bed that would induce moving, or rocking, or bumping . I get as excited as anybody about playing Chutes and Ladders, but come on!
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