Saturday morning, we got up and headed to the river. We looked like this at the put-in spot:
If you ever find yourself in Jackson, Wyoming, leave. It is an unholy tourist trap with more T-shirt shops per capita than any other town in the USA. Seriously, I saw a T-shirt shop next to a T-shirt shop. If you want to buy a T-shirt proclaiming "I got drunk in Jackson, Wyoming", Jackson is the place to be. If you want to gorge yourself on all-you-can-eat buffets, guzzle clear alcohol diluted with high fructose corn syrup and take pictures in front of a place called "Cowboy Bar," (2 shows nightly!) go to Jackson. If you want to wiggle your way through a suffocatingly dense horde of obese retirees waddling around the town square, go to Jackson.
If you want to have fun, explore the surrounding countryside. Just south of Grand Teton National Park, it's in a great location. At least I assume it is, but the weather kept me from getting a good view.
I don't think I will visit Jackson, Wyoming.
I like your friend's Subaru.
I have a similar picture of you looking out over the water on our sailboat. Very Captain Morgan like I think.
Are you coming back to NC anytime soon?
I am not planning to come back until Xmas. I do like your picture though..
If my memory holds, the last time you were in Jackson, you came away with some boxers with Moose on them and a t-shirt (from one of those shops) that had something about mountain search and rescue on it. That was probably in 2000. Oh - and we had pizza at a back ally pizzaria before hitting the road and ending up in Brigham City or Logan that night. It didn't rain.
Dad (keeping you honest)
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