Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey I still have a blog! Neat!

I've been skiing the backcountry lately. It combines the painful exertion of cross country skiing with the epic wipeouts of downhill skiing. It's awesome.

Almost on top...

A quick descent after hours of climbing

That's a faceplant.


rtaylorb said...

i wish we had nice snow like that. are you using cross country skis or teli skils?

Anthony said...

I'm using an AT setup. But I bet you have better snow up there right now, it was really crusty here since we were on a south facing slope.

RockDr said...

nice face plant!

Nick said...

So, when are you taking your little brother skiing?

Anthony said...

Nick, I'm going skiing tomorrow so you could come then. We're looking at a foot of fresh powder by morning!

Adam said...

Woah, there's so much white in the bottom half of the last three pictures that I couldn't even tell if the picture had loaded properly. Sweet.